"I am the way and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14: 6.
Being rooted to Him, I am no longer following what the world wants and people probably asked why happens to me. They think I leave the world and anything they could have thought on why I only follow Him for the rest of my life. Growing up my faith, there are many things that He wants for me and I am feeling with through meeting with my friends. There are. I was following the world, leaving the church, and doubting myself, and it destroyed my life. Jesus saved me and brought me to the right place that only nearing the ELS Computer that I have talked about.
I found peace and what love is, and I learn to love what I hated. I did mistakes with my friends but they prayed, gave advice, remind me, were good listeners, and were things that I have never seen before. And even, they want to come and hear me despite they do not know sign language and they always learn hard so they can communicate with me without typing cellphone. They want me to come to the church! How can you think of people who do not know sign language but still want you to come there? I ended up stopping to demand hearing people should learn sign language. I focus on how the Holy Spirit working is through communicating with hearing friends who do not know sign language.
I asked them why they did it to me, they said because they love and care for me. They never leave me and even though I told them to leave me, they keep praying for me and I came back to the church. No judgmental and no hate. They did it with me because they love me. Yeah, I found what love is here!
So, it made me think of what Jesus Christ wanted to show how the community is and how hearing people are that wasn't ever thought of. I was an activist and was used to protesting and marching because I was defending freedom and equality for the Deaf rights. I was used to hating and disappointment, and even I didn't love the country and didn't sing the national anthem. I was aloud speaking about the Deaf rights and minority rights. But, English Worship has changed my life, it made me love the country again. I want to know what the country is like through English Worship. What alike look, what way sort of piece that I want to know about my country.
I assumed that I will move out of town but He doesn't allow it and wants me to remain here because He knows that I need to learn more before leaving. So, I renew my time in Jogja to 6 months or next year, depending on how the result of my study abroad preparation is. I hope I am going to hope to get what moments that I have been looking for. I just want to be at peace with this community and serve them, as they are going to. I no longer follow what the world is because I was exhausted within and I want only to follow Jesus Christ, as being rooted with Him. I open my heart out and walk by what He wants. I can't deny what He wants.
Only following Him, it is meaning I'm okay with kinds of stuff that can be lost, such as football, basketball, jobs, or anything that was made from the world. Kind of stuff I love because of what John 16: 33 and 2 Timothy 3: 12 about suffering. Life is kind of an exam to test my faith and commitment to Him because I want to live a godly life in Jesus Christ and only follow Jesus Christ for the rest of my life.
I want only to follow Him and I'm going to learn how to be a Christian and what love is each other as He loved me because He is my king, God, savior, best planner, and the creation. I believe He has the greatest plan for me.
I would never stop praying and praising Him anywhere I am and go. That is about what was I feeling after coming to the night prayer. Thanks, Jesus Christ for not giving up on me and still loving me somehow I did mistakes, and sins, and have apologized to you. I want to live with you, Jesus Christ.
Amen, hallelujah.